在那个宁静的小镇上,John Estover和Ann之间有着一段深刻而独特的感情。当John说“Quaker there—I had never before seen one anywhere.”时,他内心充满了好奇与惊喜。就像在一个平静的湖面上突然投下了一颗石子,泛起层层涟漪一样。
她欢快地笑了起来。“I had heard of thee—thy grace and beauty—and I desired to know if God permitted such gifts to be so sadly used.”这句话中,我们看到了Ann对John的一种崇敬之情。这是一种基于John外在的美好品质以及他内在灵魂的纯净所产生的情感。在当时的社会背景下,人们对于美好的事物总是充满向往,尤其是像Ann这样内心善良的人。她渴望知道上帝是否允许如此美好的天赋被悲哀地使用,这其实反映出她内心深处对于美好事物应该得到珍惜的一种信念。
接着,John问“And then?”这时候,Ann的回答是“After I saw thee I wished to save thee.”这表明了Ann看到John之后,心中涌起了一种想要拯救他的想法。这种想法并非出于一种居高临下的怜悯,而是源于对他的一种深深的关爱。也许在Ann眼中,John有着某些需要被引导走向正途的地方。这种想要拯救对方的想法,在爱情关系中是一种很常见也很珍贵的情感。它意味着双方都希望彼此能够变得更好,就像两颗相互吸引的星星,都想让对方散发出更璀璨的光芒。
“Thank thee, my dear, dear John.”从Ann的回应中,我们可以感受到她的真诚与感激。这种情感就像是温暖的阳光洒在心田上,让两人之间的关系更加紧密。
二、自我剖析与灵魂的觉醒 🧘♂️
John Estover开始反思自己的过往经历。他说:“I think, Ann,” said John Estover, reflectively, “that I am not telling the exact truth. There is such a thing, thee knows, as telling the truth without exactness.”这是他对自己过去行为的一种深刻的自我剖析。他意识到自己可能没有完全准确地说出真相,但他又认为有时候说出真相可以不那么精确。这种观点看似矛盾,但实际上反映了人类在表达自我时的一种复杂性。
他回忆起自己为了治疗疾病而旅行的经历,当他痊愈后,旅行就变成了一种为了享乐的行为。当他到达巴黎这个既罪恶又美丽的地方时,他陷入了各种诱惑之中。“And no temptation, we are told, is so potent as woman. Observe the matter of Adam and Eve, then Rahab and Jezebel—and, indeed, countless instances, where good men have fallen by the way at the beckoning of a woman.”在这里,John提到了许多历史上因为女人而堕落的男人的例子,从亚当和夏娃的故事到拉哈伯和耶洗别的例子等。这说明在他看来,女性的诱惑力量是非常强大的,而他自己也曾经在这种诱惑面前有过动摇。
然而,当他看到Ann的时候,他仿佛看到了一个榜样,这个榜样让他永远无法忘记,并且他开始不断地感谢这一结果给他带来的改变。“It was an example I shall never forget. Nor shall I ever cease to return thanks for its outcome.”这种转变是他灵魂觉醒的一个重要标志。他认识到自己之前的行为是多么的不恰当,而Ann的存在就像是一束光照进了他黑暗的世界,让他重新审视自己的价值观和人生方向。
Ann笑着回应道:“Nor I, John dear,” laughed his little wife, with an incontinent embrace. 这里可以看出他们夫妻之间的深厚感情,他们都在彼此的影响下变得更加美好。
三、家庭中的秘密与教育理念 💑
尽管John和Ann已经经历了这样的转变,但他们面临着一个巨大的困难,那就是如何不让他们的孩子Mary Ann知道Ann过去的生活历史。“There remains to us in this one greatest difficulty of our lives—this keeping from our child the history of thy life. But I am convinced that it is best. A daughter must respect and look up to her mother. She must seem to her to have always been immaculate.”John认为女儿必须尊重并且仰望母亲,母亲在女儿眼中应该是完美无瑕的。如果女儿知道了Ann过去的全部事情,她可能会不理解Ann是如何完成自我救赎的,甚至会轻视她,这样的话,Ann对她的教导就不会有太大的作用了。
然而,Ann却有自己的想法。虽然她表面上接受丈夫的观点,但她和John之间有一种特殊的相处方式,这些劝诫往往是在亲密的拥抱中进行的。“The unwisdom of husbands kept him from the knowledge that these exhortations were made in each other’s arms. This the mother not only thought likely to be most effective, but much more lovely than any other way.”这种方式更加有效而且更加美好。Ann认为通过这种方式能够让Mary Ann更好地接受正确的观念。
当John提到要警惕Mary Ann不要陷入诱惑时,Ann开玩笑地说“Such as thee was to me?”这显示了他们之间轻松愉快的关系氛围。不过John强调他是说他们的孩子Mary Ann,因为他担心Mary Ann会像他当年一样容易受到诱惑,尤其是在她长得像年轻时候的Ann那样漂亮的情况下。
四、Mary Ann的成长与独特个性 🌸
Mary Ann是一个充满活力和独特个性的女孩。她的到来就像一阵突然吹进来的清风一样。“Now all of this might have been said concerning one Doctor John Rem, of whom they had never heard. And John Estover might have added that, when two people predisposed to what he had called guile met, one as tempter, one willing to be tempted, the danger was excessive.”这段话暗示着Mary Ann可能会面临一些危险的情况,特别是如果有像Doctor John Rem这样的人存在的话。
Mary Ann不像传统的Quaker少女那样拘谨地到来,而是充满活力地扑向父母。她亲吻了妈妈,然后又去亲吻爸爸。“Thank thee, daddy,” she laughed, and when he put her off, none too strongly, she ran up the stairs, still laughing, whence she called downward for her mother.”她那活泼可爱的模样让人忍俊不禁。当John闻到她身上的香水味时,他皱起了眉头,但是Ann却解释说这是她的错,因为她前几天告诉了Mary Ann一些关于自己的事情,这让她们都很开心。这里可以看出Mary Ann对母亲的信任和亲近,她愿意尝试新的东西,比如香水。
Mary Ann和Ann之间的相似之处不仅仅在于外表,还在于性格。“Well, she was like her mother, and so, when I describe the one, you will see the other. The daintiest of retroussé noses, eyes entirely too large for her face, a mouth that would smile her very thoughts—and sometimes, tell them—a curiously deep dimple in her chin.”这种相似使得她们看起来就像一对姐妹花。同时,Ann也希望Mary Ann能够保持Quaker的谦逊形象,但又不失女性的魅力。“For, in her ‘management’ of John Estover and his affairs, the little French woman kept so close to the thing he insisted upon, that when her innovations were discovered, as they sometimes were, they were considered venial instead of criminal—and this is just the difference between wisdom and folly.”Ann用自己的智慧巧妙地处理着家庭事务,既满足了丈夫的要求,又能让家庭生活更加丰富多彩。
五、Doctor John Rem的出现与潜在威胁 😈
Doctor John Rem是一个刚刚从大学毕业的年轻人,他在学校里就留下了一些不太好的名声。他现在回到了小镇,虽然有着关于疾病的宝贵知识,但却没有实践经验,处于非常无聊的状态。“All these sayings are necessary—though, I admit, somewhat dull—that you may understand the doings between this very doctor and this very Quaker maid. For you cannot suppose that I have them both in the same story for any other purpose than such troublous joys as make up that curious thing called love.”这里的描述暗示着Doctor John Rem和Mary Ann之间可能会发生一段充满麻烦的爱情故事。
有一天,Doctor John Rem看到了戴着百合般帽子的Mary Ann,那一刻他被深深吸引了。“Now it was into this lily calyx that the unregenerate Doctor John Rem looked one day, with precisely the emotions which the mother of Mary Ann had foretold—though, of course, he had not time to formulate them with such beauty.”这种吸引力对于Mary Ann来说可能是一种潜在的威胁,因为Doctor John Rem并不是一个传统意义上的好人。他的出现给这个原本平静的家庭带来了一丝不安的气息。
一、相遇与救赎的开端 🌟
在那个宁静的小镇上,John Estover和Ann之间有着一段深刻而独特的感情。当John说“Quaker there—I had never before seen one anywhere.”时,他内心充满了好奇与惊喜。就像在一个平静的湖面上突然投下了一颗石子,泛起层层涟漪一样。
她欢快地笑了起来。“I had heard of thee—thy grace and beauty—and I desired to know if God permitted such gifts to be so sadly used.”这句话中,我们看到了Ann对John的一种崇敬之情。这是一种基于John外在的美好品质以及他内在灵魂的纯净所产生的情感。在当时的社会背景下,人们对于美好的事物总是充满向往,尤其是像Ann这样内心善良的人。她渴望知道上帝是否允许如此美好的天赋被悲哀地使用,这其实反映出她内心深处对于美好事物应该得到珍惜的一种信念。
接着,John问“And then?”这时候,Ann的回答是“After I saw thee I wished to save thee.”这表明了Ann看到John之后,心中涌起了一种想要拯救他的想法。这种想法并非出于一种居高临下的怜悯,而是源于对他的一种深深的关爱。也许在Ann眼中,John有着某些需要被引导走向正途的地方。这种想要拯救对方的想法,在爱情关系中是一种很常见也很珍贵的情感。它意味着双方都希望彼此能够变得更好,就像两颗相互吸引的星星,都想让对方散发出更璀璨的光芒。
“Thank thee, my dear, dear John.”从Ann的回应中,我们可以感受到她的真诚与感激。这种情感就像是温暖的阳光洒在心田上,让两人之间的关系更加紧密。
二、自我剖析与灵魂的觉醒 🧘♂️
John Estover开始反思自己的过往经历。他说:“I think, Ann,” said John Estover, reflectively, “that I am not telling the exact truth. There is such a thing, thee knows, as telling the truth without exactness.”这是他对自己过去行为的一种深刻的自我剖析。他意识到自己可能没有完全准确地说出真相,但他又认为有时候说出真相可以不那么精确。这种观点看似矛盾,但实际上反映了人类在表达自我时的一种复杂性。
他回忆起自己为了治疗疾病而旅行的经历,当他痊愈后,旅行就变成了一种为了享乐的行为。当他到达巴黎这个既罪恶又美丽的地方时,他陷入了各种诱惑之中。“And no temptation, we are told, is so potent as woman. Observe the matter of Adam and Eve, then Rahab and Jezebel—and, indeed, countless instances, where good men have fallen by the way at the beckoning of a woman.”在这里,John提到了许多历史上因为女人而堕落的男人的例子,从亚当和夏娃的故事到拉哈伯和耶洗别的例子等。这说明在他看来,女性的诱惑力量是非常强大的,而他自己也曾经在这种诱惑面前有过动摇。
然而,当他看到Ann的时候,他仿佛看到了一个榜样,这个榜样让他永远无法忘记,并且他开始不断地感谢这一结果给他带来的改变。“It was an example I shall never forget. Nor shall I ever cease to return thanks for its outcome.”这种转变是他灵魂觉醒的一个重要标志。他认识到自己之前的行为是多么的不恰当,而Ann的存在就像是一束光照进了他黑暗的世界,让他重新审视自己的价值观和人生方向。
Ann笑着回应道:“Nor I, John dear,” laughed his little wife, with an incontinent embrace. 这里可以看出他们夫妻之间的深厚感情,他们都在彼此的影响下变得更加美好。
三、家庭中的秘密与教育理念 💑
尽管John和Ann已经经历了这样的转变,但他们面临着一个巨大的困难,那就是如何不让他们的孩子Mary Ann知道Ann过去的生活历史。“There remains to us in this one greatest difficulty of our lives—this keeping from our child the history of thy life. But I am convinced that it is best. A daughter must respect and look up to her mother. She must seem to her to have always been immaculate.”John认为女儿必须尊重并且仰望母亲,母亲在女儿眼中应该是完美无瑕的。如果女儿知道了Ann过去的全部事情,她可能会不理解Ann是如何完成自我救赎的,甚至会轻视她,这样的话,Ann对她的教导就不会有太大的作用了。
然而,Ann却有自己的想法。虽然她表面上接受丈夫的观点,但她和John之间有一种特殊的相处方式,这些劝诫往往是在亲密的拥抱中进行的。“The unwisdom of husbands kept him from the knowledge that these exhortations were made in each other’s arms. This the mother not only thought likely to be most effective, but much more lovely than any other way.”这种方式更加有效而且更加美好。Ann认为通过这种方式能够让Mary Ann更好地接受正确的观念。
当John提到要警惕Mary Ann不要陷入诱惑时,Ann开玩笑地说“Such as thee was to me?”这显示了他们之间轻松愉快的关系氛围。不过John强调他是说他们的孩子Mary Ann,因为他担心Mary Ann会像他当年一样容易受到诱惑,尤其是在她长得像年轻时候的Ann那样漂亮的情况下。
四、Mary Ann的成长与独特个性 🌸
Mary Ann是一个充满活力和独特个性的女孩。她的到来就像一阵突然吹进来的清风一样。“Now all of this might have been said concerning one Doctor John Rem, of whom they had never heard. And John Estover might have added that, when two people predisposed to what he had called guile met, one as tempter, one willing to be tempted, the danger was excessive.”这段话暗示着Mary Ann可能会面临一些危险的情况,特别是如果有像Doctor John Rem这样的人存在的话。
Mary Ann不像传统的Quaker少女那样拘谨地到来,而是充满活力地扑向父母。她亲吻了妈妈,然后又去亲吻爸爸。“Thank thee, daddy,” she laughed, and when he put her off, none too strongly, she ran up the stairs, still laughing, whence she called downward for her mother.”她那活泼可爱的模样让人忍俊不禁。当John闻到她身上的香水味时,他皱起了眉头,但是Ann却解释说这是她的错,因为她前几天告诉了Mary Ann一些关于自己的事情,这让她们都很开心。这里可以看出Mary Ann对母亲的信任和亲近,她愿意尝试新的东西,比如香水。
Mary Ann和Ann之间的相似之处不仅仅在于外表,还在于性格。“Well, she was like her mother, and so, when I describe the one, you will see the other. The daintiest of retroussé noses, eyes entirely too large for her face, a mouth that would smile her very thoughts—and sometimes, tell them—a curiously deep dimple in her chin.”这种相似使得她们看起来就像一对姐妹花。同时,Ann也希望Mary Ann能够保持Quaker的谦逊形象,但又不失女性的魅力。“For, in her ‘management’ of John Estover and his affairs, the little French woman kept so close to the thing he insisted upon, that when her innovations were discovered, as they sometimes were, they were considered venial instead of criminal—and this is just the difference between wisdom and folly.”Ann用自己的智慧巧妙地处理着家庭事务,既满足了丈夫的要求,又能让家庭生活更加丰富多彩。
五、Doctor John Rem的出现与潜在威胁 😈
Doctor John Rem是一个刚刚从大学毕业的年轻人,他在学校里就留下了一些不太好的名声。他现在回到了小镇,虽然有着关于疾病的宝贵知识,但却没有实践经验,处于非常无聊的状态。“All these sayings are necessary—though, I admit, somewhat dull—that you may understand the doings between this very doctor and this very Quaker maid. For you cannot suppose that I have them both in the same story for any other purpose than such troublous joys as make up that curious thing called love.”这里的描述暗示着Doctor John Rem和Mary Ann之间可能会发生一段充满麻烦的爱情故事。
有一天,Doctor John Rem看到了戴着百合般帽子的Mary Ann,那一刻他被深深吸引了。“Now it was into this lily calyx that the unregenerate Doctor John Rem looked one day, with precisely the emotions which the mother of Mary Ann had foretold—though, of course, he had not time to formulate them with such beauty.”这种吸引力对于Mary Ann来说可能是一种潜在的威胁,因为Doctor John Rem并不是一个传统意义上的好人。他的出现给这个原本平静的家庭带来了一丝不安的气息。
以上文章通过对John Estover、Ann和Mary Ann一家人的描写,展现了他们在爱情、家庭关系、个人成长等方面的种种经历。从John的自我救赎到Ann的智慧管理家庭再到Mary Ann的成长以及面临的潜在威胁,整个故事充满了丰富的情感和深刻的内涵。通过这些人物的经历,我们也能够从中汲取到关于爱情、亲情以及如何面对诱惑等方面的经验教训。