Authors: Peng Wang ; Zexi Li ; Ningyu Zhang ; Ziwen Xu ; Yunzhi Yao ; Yong Jiang ; Pengjun Xie ; Fei Huang ; Huajun Chen
Summary: Large language models (LLMs) need knowledge updates to meet the ever-growing world facts and correct the hallucinated responses, facilitating the methods of lifelong model editing. Where the updated knowledge resides in memories is a fundamental question for model editing. In this paper, we find that editing either long-term memory (direct model parameters) or working memory (non-parametric knowledge of neural network activations/representations by retrieval) will result in an impossible triangle — reliability, generalization, and locality can not be realized together in the lifelong editing settings. For long-term memory, directly editing the parameters will cause conflicts with irrelevant pretrained knowledge or previous edits (poor reliability and locality). For working memory, retrieval-based activations can hardly make the model understand the edits and generalize (poor generalization). Therefore, we propose WISE to bridge the gap between memories. In WISE, we design a dual parametric memory scheme, which consists of the main memory for the pretrained knowledge and a side memory for the edited knowledge. We only edit the knowledge in the side memory and train a router to decide which memory to go through when given a query. For continual editing, we devise a knowledge-sharding mechanism where different sets of edits reside in distinct subspaces of parameters, and are subsequently merged into a shared memory without conflicts. Extensive experiments show that WISE can outperform previous model editing methods and overcome the impossible triangle under lifelong model editing of question answering, hallucination, and out-of-distribution settings across trending LLM architectures, e.g., GPT, LLaMA, and Mistral. Code will be released at
Q: 这篇论文试图解决什么问题?
A: 这篇论文试图解决大型语言模型(Large Language Models, LLMs)在持续更新知识以适应不断变化的世界知识和纠正错误响应(例如幻觉、偏见和事实衰减)时面临的挑战。具体来说,论文关注的核心问题是如何在模型编辑(model editing)过程中有效地更新知识,以实现以下目标:
WISE: Rethinking the Knowledge Memory for Lifelong Model Editing of Large Language Models
Authors: Peng Wang ; Zexi Li ; Ningyu Zhang ; Ziwen Xu ; Yunzhi Yao ; Yong Jiang ; Pengjun Xie ; Fei Huang ; Huajun Chen
Summary: Large language models (LLMs) need knowledge updates to meet the ever-growing world facts and correct the hallucinated responses, facilitating the methods of lifelong model editing. Where the updated knowledge resides in memories is a fundamental question for model editing. In this paper, we find that editing either long-term memory (direct model parameters) or working memory (non-parametric knowledge of neural network activations/representations by retrieval) will result in an impossible triangle — reliability, generalization, and locality can not be realized together in the lifelong editing settings. For long-term memory, directly editing the parameters will cause conflicts with irrelevant pretrained knowledge or previous edits (poor reliability and locality). For working memory, retrieval-based activations can hardly make the model understand the edits and generalize (poor generalization). Therefore, we propose WISE to bridge the gap between memories. In WISE, we design a dual parametric memory scheme, which consists of the main memory for the pretrained knowledge and a side memory for the edited knowledge. We only edit the knowledge in the side memory and train a router to decide which memory to go through when given a query. For continual editing, we devise a knowledge-sharding mechanism where different sets of edits reside in distinct subspaces of parameters, and are subsequently merged into a shared memory without conflicts. Extensive experiments show that WISE can outperform previous model editing methods and overcome the impossible triangle under lifelong model editing of question answering, hallucination, and out-of-distribution settings across trending LLM architectures, e.g., GPT, LLaMA, and Mistral. Code will be released at
Q: 这篇论文试图解决什么问题?
A: 这篇论文试图解决大型语言模型(Large Language Models, LLMs)在持续更新知识以适应不断变化的世界知识和纠正错误响应(例如幻觉、偏见和事实衰减)时面临的挑战。具体来说,论文关注的核心问题是如何在模型编辑(model editing)过程中有效地更新知识,以实现以下目标:
论文指出,在现有的模型编辑方法中,很难同时实现上述三个目标,这构成了一个“不可能三角”。作者通过提出WISE(Wise Editor)系统,旨在弥合长期记忆(模型参数)和工作记忆(通过检索得到的神经网络激活/表示)之间的差距,打破这一不可能三角,实现更有效的终生模型编辑。
Q: 有哪些相关研究?
A: 这篇论文提到了多个与大型语言模型(LLMs)的知识和记忆更新相关的研究工作。以下是一些主要的相关研究:
Q: 论文如何解决这个问题?
A: 论文通过提出WISE(Wise Editor)系统来解决大型语言模型(LLMs)在持续知识更新和模型编辑中遇到的挑战。WISE系统的设计包含以下几个关键组件和策略:
Q: 论文做了哪些实验?
A: 论文中进行了一系列实验来验证WISE(Wise Editor)系统在终生模型编辑中的有效性。以下是实验的主要设置和结果:
Q: 有什么可以进一步探索的点?
A: 尽管WISE在终生模型编辑方面取得了显著的成果,但仍有一些潜在的探索方向可以进一步改进和扩展其能力:
Q: 总结一下论文的主要内容
A: 这篇论文的主要内容可以概括为以下几点: