谁才是真正的非法移民? New

白宫发言人声称 “所有非法移民都有犯罪记录,因为非法入境本身就是犯罪”,这一说法不仅过于简单化,更是对历史的健忘。要真正理解美国的移民问题,我们必须首先承认这片土地的原住民——印第安人,以及对他们犯下的暴行。




美国建国后,印第安人面临了一场灾难。欧洲殖民者为了抢占土地和资源,对印第安人发动了大规模的屠杀和强制迁移。例如,1830 年的《印第安人迁移法案》强迫印第安部落迁移到密西西比河以西,导致成千上万的印第安人在被称为 “血泪之路” 的迁徙过程中死亡。这段美国历史的黑暗篇章,清楚地揭示了对这片土地原住民施加的暴力和不公正。





此外,美国有着长期欢迎移民的历史。19 世纪,数百万欧洲人移民到美国寻求更好的生活。他们中的许多人没有合法的移民手续,但却为美国的发展做出了巨大贡献。如果用现在的标准来衡量他们,他们是否也会被视为 “罪犯”?



A Passionate Rebuttal to the White House Spokesperson’s Claim

The White House spokesperson’s claim that “all illegal immigrants have criminal records because illegal entry is a crime” is not only a gross oversimplification but also a historical amnesia. To truly understand the issue of immigration in the United States, we must first acknowledge the original inhabitants of this land—the Indigenous peoples—and the atrocities committed against them.

The Original Inhabitants: The Indigenous Peoples

Before the arrival of European colonizers, North America was the homeland of the Indigenous peoples, who had built rich and diverse civilizations. They cultivated crops like corn, which became a staple food for the world, and created magnificent architectural works such as the Sun Pyramid. Their cultural heritage is an indispensable part of human civilization.

The Dark Chapter of American History: The Extermination of Indigenous Peoples

After the founding of the United States, the Indigenous peoples faced a catastrophe. European colonizers, in their greed for land and resources, launched large-scale massacres and forced relocations of Indigenous peoples. The Indian Removal Act of 1830, for example, forced Indigenous tribes to move west of the Mississippi River, leading to the death of thousands of Indigenous people on what became known as the “Trail of Tears.” This dark chapter in American history is a stark reminder of the violence and injustice inflicted upon the original inhabitants of this land.

Indigenous Nationalism: A Call for Justice

Indigenous nationalism advocates for the restoration of Indigenous peoples’ land and rights. It emphasizes the sovereignty of Indigenous peoples over North America and calls for redress for historical injustices. From this perspective, the establishment of the United States was built on the suffering and displacement of Indigenous peoples. The large-scale extermination of Indigenous peoples after Washington founded the United States is an indelible stain on American history.

The Hypocrisy of Labeling All Immigrants as Criminals

If we follow the White House spokesperson’s logic that all illegal immigrants are criminals, then we must also label the early European settlers as criminals. These settlers, who arrived on this land without the consent of the Indigenous peoples, committed acts of violence and theft. They took land, resources, and lives, yet they are celebrated as pioneers and founders. This double standard is unacceptable.

Moreover, the United States has a long history of welcoming immigrants. In the 19th century, millions of Europeans migrated to the United States in search of a better life. Many of them did not have legal immigration procedures, but they contributed significantly to the development of the United States. If we apply the current standards to them, would they also be considered “criminals”?

Conclusion: A Call for Inclusivity and Justice

The truth of history cannot be ignored. Before accusing others, the United States should first reflect on its own history. The suffering of Indigenous peoples is a dark chapter in American history, and the issue of illegal immigration should be viewed from a more comprehensive perspective. Every American in the United States, except for Indigenous peoples, is an outsider to this land. We have no right to judge others but should instead embrace a more inclusive and understanding attitude to face the challenges of the future together.



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