标签: prompts

  • 🤖 AutoPrompt:让你的提示语脱胎换骨,秒变“神级”

    🤖 AutoPrompt:让你的提示语脱胎换骨,秒变“神级”


    提示语的烦恼: 大语言模型(LLM)拥有强大的能力,但它们的表现却完全取决于你提供的提示语。一个微小的调整,就可能让模型误入歧途,最终的结果也大打折扣。

    AutoPrompt登场: 这个框架彻底告别了提示语工程的“碰运气”时代。它采用了一种名为“提示语校准”的迭代过程,不断优化你的提示语,使其更加健壮,不再轻易受到细微变化的影响。

    想象一下: 你正在构建一个电影评论分类器,它需要区分包含剧透的评论和无剧透的评论。你精心设计了一个提示语,但它总是被一些边缘案例搞得晕头转向。这时,AutoPrompt闪亮登场,它会生成一系列具有挑战性的示例,并利用这些示例来微调你的提示语,直到它成为一个“剧透侦探”,精准识别各种类型的剧透。


    • 轻松优化: 告别手动调整提示语的繁琐过程,AutoPrompt为你分忧解难,节省时间和精力。
    • 坚如磐石: 告别那些容易受到细微变化影响的提示语,AutoPrompt打造的提示语,经得起考验。
    • 灵活适应: 与LangChain、Wandb、Argilla等热门工具无缝衔接,并可根据各种任务进行定制。


    AutoPrompt采用了一种巧妙的策略,名为“基于意图的提示语校准”。 你可以把它想象成这样:

    1. 提示语起航: 你提供一个初始提示语和你要让LLM执行的任务描述。
    2. 校准开始: AutoPrompt会生成各种各样的示例,测试你的提示语的极限,就像一个私人教练,不断挑战你的极限。
    3. 反馈与优化: 这些示例会被标注(由你或LLM完成),并用于评估提示语的性能。根据反馈,AutoPrompt会提出改进建议,让你的提示语在每次迭代中都更加强大。
    4. 最终效果: 这个过程会一直持续,直到你的提示语达到最佳性能,或者你设置的预算限制。



    任务: 生成既有信息量又引人入胜的电影评论。

    初始提示语: “写一篇关于[电影名称]的电影评论。”

    AutoPrompt的作用: AutoPrompt会生成一系列电影评论,每篇评论都有不同的侧重点:有的侧重于剧情,有的侧重于表演,有的侧重于技术方面。然后,它会根据信息量、吸引力、连贯性等标准对这些评论进行评估。根据评估结果,它会建议对提示语进行改进,例如,添加一些具体的指示,让模型专注于电影的某些方面,或者使用更吸引人的写作风格。

    最终结果: 经过多次迭代,AutoPrompt会提供一个经过优化的提示语,它可以生成既有信息量又引人入胜的电影评论,既能抓住电影的精髓,又能让读者乐在其中。


    1. 安装: 下载项目,安装依赖项,并配置你的LLM(我们建议使用GPT-4,以获得最佳性能)。
    2. 标注: 选择你的标注方法:使用Argilla的人工循环标注,或使用LLM进行标注。
    3. 运行管道: 使用run_pipeline.py脚本启动优化过程。
    4. 享受成果: AutoPrompt会提供一个经过优化的提示语和一个具有挑战性的示例基准,为你的下一个项目做好准备。


    无论你是构建聊天机器人、生成创意内容,还是处理任何其他基于LLM的任务,AutoPrompt都是你打造高质量、健壮提示语的最佳工具,它可以帮助你获得非凡的效果。 告别“碰运气”,让AutoPrompt助你将提示语提升到新的高度!

    📊 可视化优化过程


    🚀 AutoPrompt实战:真实案例

    任务: 生成既有信息量又引人入胜的电影评论。

    初始提示语: “写一篇关于[电影名称]的电影评论。”

    AutoPrompt的作用: AutoPrompt会生成一系列电影评论,每篇评论都有不同的侧重点:有的侧重于剧情,有的侧重于表演,有的侧重于技术方面。然后,它会根据信息量、吸引力、连贯性等标准对这些评论进行评估。根据评估结果,它会建议对提示语进行改进,例如,添加一些具体的指示,让模型专注于电影的某些方面,或者使用更吸引人的写作风格。

    最终结果: 经过多次迭代,AutoPrompt会提供一个经过优化的提示语,它可以生成既有信息量又引人入胜的电影评论,既能抓住电影的精髓,又能让读者乐在其中。

    💡 使用AutoPrompt的成功秘诀

    • 迭代优化: 不要指望第一次就能完美无缺。根据基准测试的结果,不断优化你的提示语。
    • 检查点: AutoPrompt会自动保存检查点,让你可以从上次中断的地方继续优化过程。
    • 预算管理: 尤其是在使用GPT-4时,要注意token使用成本。AutoPrompt允许你设置预算限制,控制支出。

    🤝 加入AutoPrompt社区



  • 🤖 AutoPrompt: Prompt Engineering for the Real World

    AutoPrompt is a game-changer for prompt engineering, designed to take your prompts from “meh” to “marvelous” for real-world applications. Think of it as a personal trainer for your prompts, helping them reach their full potential and conquer even the most challenging tasks.

    The Problem with Prompts: Large language models (LLMs) are incredibly powerful, but they’re only as good as the prompts you feed them. A slightly tweaked prompt can send an LLM’s performance on a wild goose chase, leaving you with results that are less than stellar.

    Enter AutoPrompt: This framework takes the guesswork out of prompt engineering. It uses an iterative process called “prompt calibration” to refine your prompts, making them more robust and less sensitive to those pesky little changes that can throw them off course.

    Imagine this: You’re trying to build a movie review classifier that can tell the difference between a spoiler-free review and one that gives away the ending. You craft a prompt that seems pretty good, but it keeps getting tripped up by edge cases. AutoPrompt steps in, generates a bunch of challenging examples, and uses them to fine-tune your prompt until it’s a spoiler-detecting champion.

    The Benefits of AutoPrompt:

    • Effortless Enhancement: No need to manually tweak prompts for hours on end. AutoPrompt does the heavy lifting, saving you time and frustration.
    • Robustness: Say goodbye to prompts that are easily thrown off by subtle changes. AutoPrompt creates prompts that are built to last.
    • Adaptability: Works seamlessly with popular tools like LangChain, Wandb, and Argilla, and can be tailored to a wide range of tasks.

    How it Works:

    AutoPrompt uses a clever approach called Intent-based Prompt Calibration. Think of it like this:

    1. The Prompt Starts: You provide an initial prompt and a description of the task you want the LLM to perform.
    2. The Calibration Begins: AutoPrompt generates diverse examples that test the limits of your prompt, like a personal trainer pushing you to your limits.
    3. Feedback and Refinement: These examples are annotated (either by you or an LLM) and used to evaluate the prompt’s performance. Based on the feedback, AutoPrompt suggests improvements, making your prompt stronger with each iteration.
    4. The Final Touch: The process continues until your prompt reaches its peak performance or you’ve reached your budget limit.

    AutoPrompt in Action:

    Let’s dive into a real-world example:

    Task: Classify movie reviews as either containing spoilers or not.

    Initial Prompt: “Does this review contain spoilers? Answer Yes or No.”

    AutoPrompt’s Role: AutoPrompt generates a series of movie reviews, some with spoilers, some without. It then evaluates the prompt’s performance on these examples and suggests improvements. For example, it might suggest adding more context to the prompt, such as specifying the type of spoilers to look for.

    The Result: After several iterations, AutoPrompt delivers a refined prompt that’s more accurate and robust, capable of correctly identifying spoilers in a wide range of movie reviews.

    Getting Started with AutoPrompt:

    1. Installation: Download the project, install the dependencies, and configure your LLM (we recommend GPT-4 for optimal performance).
    2. Annotation: Choose your annotation method: human-in-the-loop with Argilla or an LLM annotator.
    3. Run the Pipeline: Use the run_pipeline.py script to start the optimization process.
    4. Enjoy the Results: AutoPrompt delivers a refined prompt and a benchmark of challenging examples, ready for your next project.

    AutoPrompt: Your Prompt Engineering Partner:

    Whether you’re building a chatbot, generating creative content, or tackling any other LLM-powered task, AutoPrompt is your go-to tool for crafting high-quality, robust prompts that deliver exceptional results. So, ditch the guesswork and let AutoPrompt take your prompts to the next level!

    📊 Visualizing the Optimization Process

    ![System Overview][]

    This diagram illustrates the key components of the AutoPrompt system. The process starts with your initial prompt and task description. AutoPrompt then iteratively generates examples, refines the prompt based on feedback, and evaluates its performance. The goal is to achieve a prompt that delivers high-quality results with minimal effort.

    🚀 AutoPrompt in Action: A Real-World Example

    Task: Generate movie reviews that are both informative and engaging.

    Initial Prompt: “Write a movie review about [movie title].”

    AutoPrompt’s Role: AutoPrompt generates a series of movie reviews, each with a different focus: some focus on plot, others on acting, and others on technical aspects. It then evaluates the reviews based on criteria like informativeness, engagement, and coherence. Based on the evaluation, it suggests refinements to the prompt, such as adding specific instructions to focus on certain aspects of the movie or using a more engaging writing style.

    The Result: After several iterations, AutoPrompt delivers a refined prompt that generates movie reviews that are both informative and engaging, capturing the essence of the movie while keeping the reader entertained.

    💡 Tips for Success with AutoPrompt

    • Iterative Refinement: Don’t expect perfection on the first try. Continuously refine your prompt based on the results of the benchmark.
    • Checkpoints: AutoPrompt automatically saves checkpoints, allowing you to resume the optimization process from where you left off.
    • Budget Management: Be mindful of token usage costs, especially when using GPT-4. AutoPrompt allows you to set budget limits to control expenses.

    🤝 Join the AutoPrompt Community

    We’re excited to share AutoPrompt with the world and welcome your contributions! Join our Discord community to connect with other users, share ideas, and get involved in the development of this exciting framework.

    Let’s build the future of prompt engineering together!

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